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Trainnews postings for 2022 
Volume 15 - issue 052
Posted by: admin ()
Date: December 24, 2022 07:44AM does not vet the accuracy of the articles referenced in this posting. The content of the links is the sole responsibility of the original provider.

This Issue's Photo Please send photos to

The City of Hondo encourages Holiday Greetings both secular and religious along US90. The Parks and Recreation Department display is a whimsical scene of candy canes and ginger bread people, waving at passing trains.

Norm Schultze photo

Photos shared are the property of the photographer, if you wish to share the images please email and we will give you contact information in order to obtain their premission. Unless otherwise noted please do not share the images in this web site. Thank You

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Trainnews will return in Jaunuary 2023.

I would like to thank everyone who provides information and photos to the site, and also all of you who read the posting weekly. Please enjoy the Holidays and be safe, see you next year.

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